Articles on: Financial

How to Receive Payments in D+2?

How to Receive Payments in D+2?

At Kiwify, credit card sales are typically cleared for withdrawal after 15 days by default.

However, there's an opportunity for you to receive the funds from credit card sales in just 2 days.

To qualify, an application must be submitted, which will undergo a quick review by our team.

If the sales clearance falls on weekends or holidays, the funds will be released on the next business day.

What are the requirements to apply for D+2?

To apply, you must have a mix of transactions made with cards and Pix, and maintain a healthy transaction history. Typically, with sales ranging from R$5k to R$10k, you'll become eligible to apply through our system.

For the above requirements, the total sales value as a producer made via credit card is taken into account. That is, it's the gross revenue, before deducting platform fees.

Sales made as a co-producer or affiliate will not be considered.

Fees and Security Reserve

To receive commissions in D+2, there's an additional fee of 2% on all sales.

Moreover, a security reserve to cover refunds and chargebacks will be set at 10% of all sales over the last 30 days.

How do I request D+2 for my account?

To request, click on Financial -> Fees, and click on Request payment in 2 days.

After making your request, your application will undergo an internal review by our team, and within 2 business days, it will be approved or declined.

The deadline will only be valid for sales made after the approval. Anticipation of sales made prior to approval is not done.

If your application is declined, you may reapply in 30 days.

Common Questions

I'm accessing Financial -> Fees but the option to apply for D+2 isn't shown, what should I do?
Contact our support, and we'll assist you with this.

Do sales count from the time I created my account at Kiwify to meet the requirements?
Yes, the balance accounted for will be the total sales of your own products (affiliate and co-producer sales do not count).

Why was my application declined?
Usually, because your product has a high percentage of refunds or chargebacks, or if your product is considered high risk.
You can reapply in 30 days if you're declined. Our recommendations are:
Strive to reduce your chargeback rate
Increase your customers' satisfaction
Use Kiwify's internal members' area

Updated on: 10/04/2024

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