Understanding Webhook Functionality
What are Webhooks? Webhooks are a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page, or web application, with custom callbacks. They allow one application to send real-time data to other applications, which get the data as soon as it's available. This means that you can automatically trigger an action on another app whenever a specific event happens on Kiwify. For example, you could use a webhook to automatically add a row to a Google Sheets spreadsheet every time a purchase is apFew readersHow to integrate with ActiveCampaign
How to Integrate with ActiveCampaign ActiveCampaign is one of the leading email marketing platforms available. With Kiwify's full integration with ActiveCampaign, you can add tags to your contacts based on the product and purchase event (e.g., purchase approved, purchase declined), and then create email marketing automations for your customers. If you haven't created an ActiveCampaign account yet, you can do so here. Retrieving Your ActiveCampaign API Key The first step is to obtaiFew readersHow to integrate with Mailchimp
How to integrate with Mailchimp You can use Kiwify's integration with Mailchimp to add tags to your contacts based on the product and purchase event (for example: purchase approved, purchase declined), enabling you to create email marketing automations. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one on the https://mailchimp.com/ Retrieving your Mailchimp API Key To integrate Kiwify with Mailchimp, you'll first need to get your Mailchimp API Key: Log in to your Mailchimp accountFew readersHow to Integrate with Zapier?
What is Zapier? Zapier is a simple tool aimed at users who want to integrate systems without the need for programming knowledge, acting as an intermediary between Kiwify and the platform you want to integrate. How to Connect Your Kiwify Account with Zapier? Within Zapier, access the zap configuration panel and click the button to create a Trigger or Action. A window will open and you can choose which app to integrate, just search for Kiwify. (https:/Few readers